Starter Bundle

neja scolio RSC® Intensive Seminar,
Pure Introductional scoliosis education bundle
This video on demand e-learning pure scoliois education serves as a compilation of valuable lectures presented by neja with Scoliosis Expert Dr. Manuel Rigo MD PhD about idiopathic scoliosis and scoliosis bracing.
Content of this introductional neja scoliosis RSC® bracing education is non-surgical management of idiopathic scoliosis, clinical and radiological aspects, treatment indication, biomechanic aspects of different IS curve pattern, anthropometric measurements, scolioisi brace design according to Rigo type and also psychological intervention. The Practical sessions will teach about radiological measurements with Perdriolle, Raimondi and Goniometer scale and teach classification of different idiopathic scoliosis types as well as specific patient evaluation and documentation, concluding by neja scolio RSC®Brace fittings of different IS types.
This pure Starter Bundle Introductional Scoliosis and RSC Bracing on-demand video material may be viewed from one IP only on our educations platform memberspot for a maximum of 3 / 72 hours days.